Its patch day and as usual with a big patch we all have to wait for the patch download to finish. So I figured I should go ahead and post something for the millions and millions of Tonks fans, and the handful of people that will actually read this.
So we cleared Naxx 10 rather easily, Malygos took a few tries, but we have since one shot him a couple of times now. Sarth plus drakes on the other hand has been our ass kicker. I would like to say that I have the answer to why we couldn't down him with the drakes up, but I just don't know. So I don't offer much to the group other than what I am assigned (tank whatever drake is up). Which on it's own was rather easy once I figured out how to turn and move her when the flame walls come up to keep the Flame Breaths from killing anyone. Whatever it is that we do to clear this with the drakes up I hope that it comes sooner rather than later. Its frustrating now but downing this will probably be one of the most gratifying experiences for me in the game so far.
After much debate between me and my advisers (my kids) I decided to pick up a new profession for the Donk. Previously Donk's professions were skinning and mining to support my main toon's professions of Leather working and Jewel crafting. However, skinners and leather are all over AoS and can be bought almost always for a reasonable price. Also after I had enough leather to make my epic gear and a few extra patches for my legs I no longer need any skins. So I went with Engineering as my second profession. It's a profession that I have always been interested in, and is there anything funnier than a Mexican Gnome riding a Hog that he built himself out of some spare parts.
I was recently thinking back to when Blue, Amraz, and I applied for Heroes Inc, and a few days later transferred Tonk from the Lethon Server to Alter of Storms. It has been a year now this January since we joined and started raiding with Heores Inc on Aos. Amraz has since moved on and started the successful guild Para Bellum, where he is more comfortable in a Guild Master position. Me and Blue however have stayed with this group for numerous reasons, but the biggest is obviously the people in Heroes Inc. Being here is like the reason I often pass off phone calls that I screen to my co-worker. I see who it is calling, I know the person on the other end, I know what kind of phone call it will be. So I give her the phone and say "I don't feel like speaking dumb ass". There are no "dumb ass" people in this guild, at least none that log in right now anyway.
While I am playing again
10 years ago
Interesting post...The grammar was not too bad...not good.. but... hey.. what can you expect with such limited spoken english in the house? AHAH
I wanna a tiny Mexican on a hog!!! So a screen shot is in order.
Screen shot will come soon, I still have to finish leveling engineering. Then I have to decide to either to buy epic flying or build the hog.
I just ck'ed thottbot, Alliance will be on Choppers, Horde on Hogs. I guess I should have ck'ed that before.
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